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Open from 5 April to 14 September 2025

Telephone service Monday to Friday 9am to 7pm, Saturday 9am to 6pm and Sunday 10am to 6pm

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Planète Sauvage: an unforgettable safari in Loire-Atlantique

Just a few kilometres from Camping La Riviera in Saint-Michel-Chef-Chef, Planète Sauvage invites you to enjoy a unique experience. This exceptional wildlife park, located in Port-Saint-Père, plunges you into the heart of wildlife thanks to its car safari. Over a 10-kilometre route, you can get up close to more than 1,000 animals in semi-liberty, from majestic lions and giraffes to imposing elephants, zebras and antelopes. An immersive adventure that will amaze young and old alike, offering fascinating encounters with species from the four corners of the globe.

fleur aloa

A varied animal park

Beyond the safari, Planète Sauvage offers five themed worlds to explore on foot. The Village de Brousse, the Piste Safari and the Temple de la Jungle offer exotic settings and fun activities. Don’t miss the Cité Marine, where you can watch impressive dolphin shows. This park is an ideal excursion to include in your camping holiday. Planète Sauvage promises you unforgettable memories with your loved ones.

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Ranges Area Bedrooms Bathrooms TV lounge Kitchen kit ** Kitchen kit + *** Transat Dishwashers Toaster Coffee maker
Confort 28m² to 40m² 2 to 3 bedrooms 1 to 2 with filters
Loisir 30m² to 37m² 3 to 4 bedrooms 1 with filters
Evasion 23m² to 30m² 2 bedrooms 1 with filters

All our accommodations are also equipped with a refrigerator, a table and chairs, crockery, kitchen utensils, an electric coffee maker, a microwave, mattress pads, pillows (60 *60) and blankets.

*the kitchen kit includes : a sponge, a multi-use cleaning pod, a dishwashing liquid pod and two bags of ice cubes

** kitchen kit + includes : a sponge, a multi-use cleaning pod, a dishwashing liquid pod, two bags of ice cubes and a dishwasher tablet