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Open from April 5 to September 14, 2025

Telephone service Monday to Friday 9am to 7pm, Saturday 9am to 6pm and Sunday 10am to 6pm

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Stroll in the Forest d’Escoublac

Take a stroll for two or with friends outside the campsite at La Baule Les Ajoncs d’Or, and discover the Escoublac forest. A real haven of peace for a healthy stroll in the heart of nature, a workout or a horseback ride.

A walk for two…

The Forêt d’Escoublac covers 47 hectares with a 1350-meter fitness trail and some forty workshops. For nature lovers, there’s a wildlife trail.

There are picnic areas where you can eat and relax under the sun.

A free guided tour is available on Wednesdays from 10am to 12pm.
For further information, please contact: 02 40 24 34 44

fleur aloa

Forest activities:

This charming forest is also a place for a variety of sporting and cultural activities:

Running: the fitness trail is located in the western part of the forest and is called “Le Bois d’Amour”. You can run through the forest with your other half. Whether running or walking, this trail offers a real moment of disconnection from everyday life.

Horseback riding: in the wildest part of the forest, La Baule’s equestrian centers organize horseback rides. What could be more romantic than a ride with your loved one in the middle of nature?

How do I get to the La Baule Escoublac forest from the campsite?

Just 3 km from the campsite in La Baule, Les Ajoncs d’Or, it’s quick and easy to reach the La Baule Escoublac forest. It’s just 10 minutes by bike or 5 minutes by car. So you can spend pleasant moments with your loved ones in nature.

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Ranges Area Bedrooms Bathrooms TV lounge Kitchen kit ** Kitchen kit + *** Transat Dishwashers Toaster Hair dryer Bath kit **** Climatisation TV in parents' bedroom Plancha Coffee maker
Cocoon 18m² to 23m² 1 to 2 bedrooms 1 with filters
Evasion 23m² to 30m² 2 bedrooms 1 with filters
Evasion + 31m² to 33m² 2 bedrooms 2 with filters
Loisir 30m² 3 bedrooms 1 with filters
Loisir + 30 3 bedrooms 1 with filters
Confort 40m² 4 bedrooms 1 with filters
Confort + 39m² to 40m² 3 to 4 bedrooms 2 with filters
Mahana 28m² to 40m² 2 to 3 bedrooms 1 to 2 Pods
Premium 28m² to 40m² 2 to 3 bedrooms 1 to 2 Pods

All our accommodations are also equipped with a refrigerator, a table and chairs, crockery, kitchen utensils, an electric coffee maker, a microwave, mattress pads, pillows (60 *60) and blankets.

*the kitchen kit includes : a sponge, a multi-use cleaning pod, a dishwashing liquid pod and two bags of ice cubes

** kitchen kit + includes : a sponge, a multi-use cleaning pod, a dishwashing liquid pod, two bags of ice cubes and a dishwasher tablet

*** the bath kit includes : a tube of shampoo, a tube of shower gel and a bar of soap