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A campsite near the Puy du fou is an excellent choice for a great time.

Whether you’re a seasoned camper looking for a new space and a new thrill, or you’re looking to experience the wonderful and exhilarating adventure of camping, the solution is so simple and within your reach: camping! The solution is so simple and within your reach: camping! And that’s exactly what we’ve come up with for you: an exceptionally attractive campsite near Le Puy du fou in the Vendée.

fleur aloa
deco vague pirons 2

A golden opportunity to experience intense moments

For neo-campers, camping by definition means setting up and staying in a camper van, caravan, motorhome, tent or other vehicle. And let’s not forget open-air hotel services. Far from the urban sphere, polluted in every respect, and in perfect communion with ecosystems in all their beauty and diversity, camping is an intense experience of nature that everyone should be able to live at least once. The pleasures of camping, it should be stressed, are accompanied by its many not inconsiderable advantages, not least the cost, with accommodation and catering truly within everyone’s reach. So there’s no time to hesitate. It’s time to take the lead and get things moving. So don’t delay, put this campsite on your agenda and make sure you have a wonderful time with friends, family or just the two of you.

The perfect setting to rest your mind and recharge your batteries

During these camping moments, it’s all about reinvigorating yourself (body and soul) and putting all your everyday worries behind you. That’s why we suggest making the most of your stay. You can choose between relaxing, convivial moments and a long list of activities to make the most of your stay in this natural, invigorating setting. Between discovering splendid landscapes and meeting new people, let yourself go completely under the spell of nature, which is sure to reveal itself to you in all its divine beauty.

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Ranges Area Bedrooms Bathrooms TV lounge Kitchen kit ** Kitchen kit + *** Transat Dishwashers Toaster Hair dryer Bath kit **** Climatisation TV in parents' bedroom Plancha Coffee maker
Cocoon 16m² to 23m² 1 to 2 bedrooms 1 with filters
Evasion 23m² to 28m² 2 bedrooms 1 with filters
Evasion + 31m² 2 bedrooms 2 with filters
Loisir 30m² 3 bedrooms 1 with filters
Loisir + 34m² 3 bedrooms 1 with filters
Confort 35m² to 37m² 3 to 4 bedrooms 1 to 2 with filters
Confort + 40m² 3 bedrooms 2 with filters
Mahana 28m² to 40m² 2 to 3 bedrooms 1 to 2 Pods
Premium 33m² to 40m² 2 to 3 bedrooms 1 to 2 Pods

All our accommodations are also equipped with a refrigerator, a table and chairs, crockery, kitchen utensils, an electric coffee maker, a microwave, mattress pads, pillows (60 *60) and blankets.

*the kitchen kit includes : a sponge, a multi-use cleaning pod, a dishwashing liquid pod and two bags of ice cubes

** kitchen kit + includes : a sponge, a multi-use cleaning pod, a dishwashing liquid pod, two bags of ice cubes and a dishwasher tablet

*** the bath kit includes : a tube of shampoo, a tube of shower gel and a bar of soap